
Some of my favorite links that I now share with you, the people.

These are some of my favorite sites, the places I go when I'm not updating this monstrosity here. Enjoy them. They are there for you.
A virtual world with 3D enviroments and chat rooms. Interact with other "citizens", get a job, get a house, and buy things at the flea market and the mall. Just don't get arrested. Seriously.
So You Wanna know how to do something? Go here! Extensive instructions on how to do everything from lie persuasively to get a raise. My favorites? SoYouWanna backpack across Europe, SoYouWanna speak with an irish accent, and SoYouWanna hold a seance.
Amanda's weblog, contains such amusing sections as 100 Ways, Seven Things, and How to Seduce Amanda.
Press the red button repeatedly until...well, you'll know when you see it.
Fun games to play. My favorites are World Cup Soccer 2002, Water Balloon Drop, and Park-A-Lot 2. Those last two sound stupid? That's because they sort of are.
A great site...full of links to other sites. A great way to alleviate boredom and the Procrastinators Online Bible. I made that up by myself. Aren'tcha proud?
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Be sure to place a description of your link for your viewers here!
Add your link here
Be sure to place a description of your link for your viewers here!
Add your link here
Be sure to place a description of your link for your viewers here!
Use this if you want to make a site similar to mine, or if you just want to make a free website with a LOT of space. When I last checked, I had eight pages, all with a fair amount of content, and I'd only used 0.6% of my available space. I'm not being payed to have this link, and I'm not required to include it, so you know it must be good. If you're good at HTML, you may wish to avoid this as there's very little room for creativity and you can probably do much better somewhere else. If you're inept (like me) this is a great site for don't need ANY html knowledge, except basic tags if you want to change your print, etc.
Use this if you want a weblog without any other pages and without having to build an entire website. However, you need to have a friend on the site get you an access code or you need to pay to use the site.
A site for "pissed off" people. Supposedly, it is very similar to livejournal, as far as how you post and read weblogs. This is where I have my old stuff. Use this if you want a livejournal-like weblog without the bureaucratic red-tape s**t of getting a code or paying money. (e-mail me when you make yours!)
Do you suck at HTML? So do I. Do you still want to do stuff on your site without making the effort of learning HTML? Hey, me too! Go here...they have lots of free stuff for you to enhance your site with.

Are any of these links not working? E-MAIL me at

If you look like your passport photo you're too ill to travel. -Will Kommen